Thursday 1 December 2011

Health & Fitness

With two-thirds of Americans overweight, weight loss is big business. There are dietary supplements, special diets, weight loss groups, and fitness centers that cater to people who are overweight. 

Estimates put the amount Americans spend on weight loss to well over $60 billion a year. Yes, that really is big business. 

Being overweight is becoming an increasing problem for people of all ages. While eating too much of the wrong kinds of foods is a major factor in gaining too much weight, lack of exercise is also to blame. 

So, people are trying to change their diets, take supplements and exercise in an effort to lose weight. And, unfortunately, many people lose weight only to gain it all back plus some more weight. 

Something is clearly wrong with the approach many people are taking. One factor in the misdirected approach to weight loss is the exercise routines many people are using. 

If you go to a fitness center you will see lots of people on elliptical machines, treadmills, and exercise bikes. They are putting a lot of effort into their exercises and burning calories successfully. But, there is a problem with people concentrating on aerobic exercises. 

Consider jogging, whether inside or outside. Jogging a mile burns somewhere around 100 to 120 calories depending on your conditioning and weight. If you jog three miles you may work off 360 calories. A very effective workout. 

And, if you jog like this three times a week, you'll work off 1080 calories. That's a hefty amount of calories. 

Now consider this. A pound of lean muscle mass uses between 35 and 50 calories a day without exercise. With exercise, this could easily double or triple the calorie usage. And we all get some exercise unless we are sick in bed. 

Suppose you do some resistance exercise to tone up your muscles and put on about 10 pounds of new, lean muscle mass. You will feel better and look better. 

But, the most important thing about new, lean muscle is the calorie burning effect. Even with normal daily routines, your 10 pounds of new muscle will burn 450 calories or more per day. 

Over the course of a week those 10 pounds of new muscles will burn 3150 calories. Nearly 3 times the calories burned by all that jogging. 

It's pretty easy to see that resistance training that builds and tones muscles is the most important weight loss exercise. 

Be sure to include resistance training in your overall exercise plan so you can boost your metabolism and burn fat even when you are relaxing.

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