Sunday, 15 July 2012

Losing Weight With a Smile on Your Face

Losing Weight With a Smile on Your Face

Many of us cringe when we think about losing weight and for good reason. Losing weight can be tedious, can take a long time and in short, can be no fun! However, it does not have to be this way. If you are willing to commit a little more on the side of dieting, then here are some creative, fun ways to begin shedding the pounds.

First, take up a sport you are interested in and leave the gym in the dust. Sports like basketball and tennis are very active sports, and you will find yourself sweating in no time. Sports like baseball are less intensive. But should you find yourself on the mound as the pitcher, you will be swimming in your own sweat.

Not only will you lose weight with sports, but as the desire to compete and be better at your sport arises, you will work harder and maybe even want to go to the gym to increase your muscle mass for better performance. Playing sports also has the added benefit of typically requiring regular practice. If you want to be on the team, you have to show up. If you have to show up, you will most likely get the exercise you need.

For those of you who are not athletically inclined, take up dancing or hit the club. If you hit the club, just avoid high-calorie mixed drinks laden with sugar or beers that aren't light beers. Dancing away for hours is fun, and you'll be sure to lose weight in the process.

No weight loss program is complete without a healthy diet. Do some research into low-fat, low-calorie versions of recipes that you already enjoy. This will help you enjoy the same foods and not have such a high caloric intake. As such, you will find the benefits of weight loss when you step on a scale.

If you are not athletically inclined and hate dancing. try going on a hike. Not only will you have the same benefits of exercise, but the serene atmosphere may vanquish another foe, namely, stress. Stress is often the main culprit of excessive eating. With stress in short supply and exercise in a larger supply, the pounds are surely to start falling off.

What is an entertaining weight loss program without sex? We all enjoy sex. If you happen to find yourself in a situation where you can have sex regularly, then it's time to spice up your sex life. Try doubling or tripling the frequency. A good hour of vigorous, sexual intercourse has been shown to burn upwards of three hundred calories. If an hour at the gym doesn't suit you well, maybe two hours of intercourse does!

We all know weight loss can be tedious, boring and challenging. However, if you find new ways to increase your level of activity, you will find yourself losing weight by having fun in no time. Many activities like hiking, sex and sports, are great replacements to the typical gym based workout routines. So, go out and  have fun, and lose some weight!

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